✧ Includes Leo Stone• Sunstone
A burn wand to honour the 5th astrological sign of the zodiac. The Wand of Leo was formed specially with your confident selves in mind.
🌿Cedar is best known for it's ability to attract good spirits and eliminate negative energy. When called upon it can focus the busy mind of a Leo on the here and now.
🌾Melissa Lavender is used to bring peace, restful sleep and calming vibes. When burned it can aid in strengthening nerves. Our fiery Leos will benefit from its calming nature.
Lastly, Yellow Rose & Marigold were chosen to represent your plant - the Sun! The colour yellow brings positivity & happiness. When smudged the sweet scent of rose will bring a loving energy to your space & the Marigold will cleanse your space of its bad energies.
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